January 2017
Day of celebration for the 20 years of ‘Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions’
Rome, January 30, 2017
Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Physics
Aula Amaldi (1st floor building Marconi), Piazza Aldo Moro 5
The 2nd Annual Gathering of Italian Structural Biologists
Rome 20th January 2017
CNR - Aula Marconi
P.le Aldo Moro, 7 Roma
X-Probe Publication: MraY–antibiotic complex reveals details of tunicamycin mode of action
Published in January 2017 by Dr Margareta Ek Group (Structural, dynamical and inhibitor studies of membrane proteins)
December 2016
X-Probe Publication: Humanized archaeal ferritin as a tool for cell targeted delivery
Published in November 2016 by Dr Alessandra Bonamore Group (Dynamical studies of protein carriers)
5-6 December 2016 Serial Crystallography at FELs and Synchrotrons
This training event will provide hands-on session for data collection and analysis as well as theoretical background to the ESR of the X-Probe ITN.
November 2016
X-Probe Publication: Probing bulky ligand entry in engineered archaeal ferritins
Published in October 2016 by Dr Alessandra Bonamore Group MoLiRom (Dynamical studies of protein carriers)