General Description

The Neutze group focuses upon the structural biology of membrane proteins, working primarily with membrane protein crystallisation and X-ray diffraction. They are leading in the development and application of time-resolved structural methods to membrane proteins and are known for work using intermediate trapping, time-resolved diffraction and time-resolved WAXS.

Role and Commitment of key persons (including supervisors)

Richard Neutze PhD, professor. Structural biology and structural dynamics methods. Coordinator & PhD supervisor ESR1.
Kristina Hedfalk, PhD, Docent.
Gergely Katona, PhD, Associate Professor. Membrane protein production, purification, crystallisation and data-analysis
Sebastian Westenhoff, PhD Assistant Professor. WAXS.

Key Research Facilities and Infrastructure and Equipment

Membrane protein production, crystallisation, time-resolved diffraction and time-resolved WAXS. Infrastructure and facilities for cloning, production, purification, characterisation and crystallisation of membrane protein.

PhD supervisor: Prof. Richard Neutze

SO = Scientific Objectives;
TO = Training Objectives.

SO1: Observe structural changes in terminal oxidases using time-resolved WAXS and SFX.
SO2: Observe structural changes in rhodopsins using ultrafast WAXS and SFX.

TO1: Training in membrane protein biochemistry, purification and crystallisation.
TO2: Training in the use of state-of-the art X-ray sources.
TO3: Training in scientific computing software development.

Purifying membrane protein and growing membrane protein microcrystals of bacterial rhodopsins and terminal oxidases. The ESR will participate in both time-resolved WAXS and diffraction studies at synchrotron radiation sources and X-ray free electron laser, be educated in the tools of X-ray scattering and X-ray diffraction analysis, and develop code for the interpretation of structural changes using both methods.

Involvement with other tasks: Assist others with the development of tools for membrane protein crystallisation and nano-crystallisation, and with diffraction data analysis from nano-crystals.

Local Training: This ESR will be enrolled as a PhD student at the University of Gothenburg where many courses are given in English (structural biology, protein engineering, computing etc.).

membrane proteins, Prof. Richard Neutze, terminal oxidases, WAXS, SFX, rhodopsins, membrane protein, biochemistry, purification, crystallisation, X-ray sources, software development, Robert Bosman

Robert Bosman

2011 – 2014 – Integrated Masters, MBiol in Biochemistry, University of Leeds
2005 – 2011 – St Edwards School, Oxford. International Baccalaureate

Research projects
MBiol Project: “Revealing asymmetry in single stranded RNA virus particles using Cryo-Electron Microscopy” in the Ranson Lab at the University of Leeds.
Internship at Research Complex at Harwell in DySS Lab:
Project 1: Developing a goniometer for single molecule spectroscopy.
Project 2: Small molecule synthesis and crystallization.