General Description

The Department of Physics has long standing tradition in light induced phenomena and time resolved photo crystallography. Marco Cammarata (ESR main supervisor) has developed time-resolved solution scattering to follow protein structural change in solution and has worked at the world first Hard X-ray beamline (XPP) at a Free Electron Laser (LCLS).

Role and Commitment of key persons (including supervisors)

Marco Cammarata, PhD, CNRS researcher, former beamline scientist at LCLS and regular LCLS user
Eric Collet, PhD, Professor. Expert in Crystallography and photo crystallography (including time resolved)

Key Research Facilities and Infrastructure and Equipment

Time-resolved diffraction and time-resolved WAXS. In-house diffractometer. Analysis of Bragg and diffuse scattering. In-house femtosecond optical spectroscopy laboratory.

PhD supervisor: Dr. Marco Cammarata

SO = Scientific Objectives;
TO = Training Objectives.

SO1: Observe structural changes in proteins with X-ray Aborption and Scattering.
SO2: Observe protein dynamics with ultrafast optical spectroscopy from ultraviolet to infrared.
SO3: Interpret data using non equlibrium Molecular Dynamics.

TO1: Training in the use of state-of-the optical/Infrared pump and probe spectroscopy.
TO2: Training in the use of state-of-the art X-ray sources.
TO3: Training in data analysis of XFEL data.

Visualizing atoms in motions are becoming reality thanks to new X-ray sources. This ESR will study different photoactive (bio)molecules following photoexcitation. Since beamtime at XFELs is precious and limited, preliminary studies will be done in the already existing fs laser lab and at third generation sources. The XFEL data analysis code will be developed within open source frameworks. Experiments of X-ray Absorption, scattering and diffraction will be performed.

Involvement with other tasks: This ESR will be trained in performing optical ultrafast spectroscopy and data analysis of solution X-ray and optical ultrafast experiments. Partners could also perform optical experiments in Rennes.

Local Training: This ESR will be enrolled as a PhD student at the University of Rennes where many courses are given in English and is part of an international Erasmus Mundus program (MaMaSelf) around Large Facilities offering courses in crystallography, physics, chemistry, etc.

Dr. Marco Cammarata, proteins, X-ray Aborption, Scattering, protein dynamics, ultrafast optical spectroscopy, Molecular Dynamics, optical/Infrared pump, spectroscopy, X-ray sources, XFEL, X-ray,  Lodovico Balducci

Lodovico Balducci

Sep 2014–Feb 2015 Traineeship Joint Research Centre, IHCP, Ispra (Italy)
Nanoparticles characterization methods

2011–2013 Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in “Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry
Master thesis title: “Microfluidic for applications in synthesis of gold nanoparticles and liquid phase glycerol oxidation reaction”

2007–2011 Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry