General Description
Prof Larsson’s group focuses on studying phase-transitions and shock waves in solid materials, in particular carbon materials such as graphite and amorphous carbon. We adapt X-ray methods such as Grazing incidence WAXS and Grazing-incidence diffraction to encompass the ultrafast time-domain. The group is developing a beamline (the Short Pulsed Facility) for ultrafast X-ray science at MAX IV and an electron diffraction set-up, which has advantages for studies of dilute samples and light elements.
Jörgen Larsson, PhD, professor (20 %). Photonics, ultrafast X-ray science.
Henrik Enquist, PhD (15%), Scientist at MAX IV laboratory. ultrafast X-ray science.
Pererik Andreasson, PhD (20 %). Post-doctoral researcher in time-resolved X-ray diffraction.
Anna Persson, PhD student (30 %). Time-resolved diffraction.
The group has key competences in ultrafast X-ray diffraction methodology, ultrafast laser technology and fast detectors. MAX IV will include a short-pulse facility providing sub-100 fs X-ray burst in the keV range.
PhD supervisor: Prof. Jörgen Larsson
SO = Scientific Objectives;
TO = Training Objectives.
SO1: Contribute to the commissioning experiments at the short-pulsed X-ray facility (FemtoMAX) at MaxIV.
SO2: Observe ultrafast structural changes in light-sensitive proteins and solid materials using WAXS and diffraction.
TO1: Training in ultrafast spectroscopy and X-ray optics.
TO2: Training in advanced diffraction and scattering methods.
The ESR will be trained in using femtosecond lasers, time-resolved X-ray diffraction, vacuum technology and X-ray optics for micro- and nano-focusing. The ESR will use the training to study structural changes in real-time using time-resolved X-ray diffraction on ultra-fast time-scales. Work will be carried out on macromolecules in close collaboration with other network partners as well as on model systems involving dynamics of carbon atoms in other materials.
Involvement with other tasks: The early-stage researcher will participate in nano-focusing experiments, which will have direct relevance for reducing temporal and spatial smearing of the resolution in Grazing-incidence WAXS measurements.
Local Training: This ESR will be enrolled as a PhD student at the University of Lund which offers a broad selection of courses are available to PhD students including X-ray physics, laser optics and complementary skills.
PUBLICATIONSStudies of electron diffusion in photo-excited Ni using time-resolved X-ray diffraction
Persson A.I.H., Jarnac A., Wang X., Enquist H., Jurgilaitis A. and J. Larsson
Open Published Online: November 2016 Accepted: October 2016 – DOI:

Xiaocui Wang
2011.08 – 2014.07 M.S. Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
2007.08 – 2011.07 B.S. Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
Research projects
2015.07 Electron Diffraction based on Graphite
2014.11 Time Resolved X-ray Diffraction based on InSb Crytal
2011.09 – 2014.07 Comparative Study of Optical Properties based on the Gold Nanostars and Gold Nanorods (Program for Master degree)
2009.09 – 2009.12 Application of Atomic Force Microscope