Robin Schubert, Arne Meyer, Daniela Baitan, Karsten Dierks, Markus Perbandt, and Christian Betzel
Publication Date (Web): January 25, 2017 – Copyright © 2017 American Chemical Society
MraY–antibiotic complex reveals details of tunicamycin mode of action
Hakulinen J.K., Hering J., Brändén G., Chen H., Snijder A., Ek M., Johansson K
Published online– PMID: 28068312 DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.2270
Recent developments in CrystFEL
White T. A., Mariani V., Brehm W., Yefanov O., Barty A., Beyerlein K. R., Chervinskii F., Galli L., Gati C., Nakane T., Tolstikova A., Yamashita K., Yoon C. H., Diederichs K., and Chapman H. N.
online 29 March 2016 – DOI:
Humanized archaeal ferritin as a tool for cell targeted delivery
de Turris V., Cardoso Trabuco M., Peruzzi G., Boffi A., Testi C., Vallone B., Montemiglio L.C., des Georges A., Calisti L., Benni I., Bonamore A. and Baiocco P.
published online 23 Nov 2016- PMID: 27942679 DOI: 10.1039/c6nr07129e
Studies of electron diffusion in photo-excited Ni using time-resolved X-ray diffraction
Persson A.I.H., Jarnac A., Wang X., Enquist H., Jurgilaitis A. and J. Larsson
Open Published Online: November 2016 Accepted: October 2016 – DOI:
Probing bulky ligand entry in engineered archaeal ferritins.
Calisti L., Benni I., Cardoso Trabuco M., Baiocco P., Ruzicka B., Boffi A., Falvo E., Malatesta F. and Bonamore A.
Available online 15 October 2016 – PMID: 27755975 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2016.10.007
The 2nd Annual Gathering of Italian Structural Biologists
Rome 20th January 2017
CNR - Aula Marconi
P.le Aldo Moro, 7 Roma
5-6 December 2016 Serial Crystallography at FELs and Synchrotrons
This training event will provide hands-on session for data collection and analysis as well as theoretical background to the ESR of the X-Probe ITN.
XXI School of Pure and Applied Biophysics
Time Resolved Methods in Biophysics
January 9 – 13, 2017, Venice, Italy
Structural Biology in the Third Millennium. Rome September 19, 2016
A Symposium in the occasion of the awarding
of the Honoris Causa Doctorate in Biochemistry
to Wayne Hendrickson
September 19, 2016
Aula degli Organi Collegiali Rettorato Sapienza, Università di Roma
Commercialisation of Science. Rome – Wednesday, June 1st 2016
Sapienza Università di Roma
Aula Magna Unitelma
Viale Regina Elena, 295
00161 Rome, Italy