As part of DESY's open day on 4th November 2017 members of X-probe held a hands-on demonstration of how to make protein microcrystals for X-ray free-electron laser crystallography experiments.
Day of celebration for the 20 years of ‘Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions’
Rome, January 30, 2017
Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Physics
Aula Amaldi (1st floor building Marconi), Piazza Aldo Moro 5
Joint X-Probe experiment at SLAC-LCLS Stanford California
Members of four X-Probe groups had joint experimental sessions on collaborative projects at the US XFEL SLAC/LCLS Stanford California.
Partecipation to the Symposium: Structural Biology in the Third Millennium
The Symposium was attended by a students of the last class of the Applied Sciences Program of the Montessori high school in Rome.
X-Probe Training Events and Meetings in Rome Photo-Recap
Pictures taken at the X-Probe training events in Rome on May - June 2016 showing ESRs and the PIs also during leisure moments.
SILS-MoLiRom Prize to Dr. Alberto Mittone
Dr. Alberto Mittone has been awarded the SILS-MoLiRom Prize to a young researcher for biomedical applications of synchrotron light.