The meeting took place in the morning of 16th December of 2015 at the Guesthouse of the EPN Science Campus on Grenoble, France.

All ESRs were present at the time.
It began with an informal presentation of the ESRs regarding their cultural and scientific background, followed by a short description of the role and major tasks of the representatives: ESRs representatives will have to be present at the Partners Meetings, that will be held in conjunction with the training events and report issues and suggestions from the ESRs and report to the ESRs on relevant points of the Board Meetings.

Thereafter, there was some time for discussion/volunteering and three ESRs expressed their interest. A voting was held and the representatives Matilde Trabuco, Daniela Baitan and Victoria Kabanova were elected by unanimity. Official meeting time was ended and the results communicated to the Supervisory Board members.