November 2016
X-Probe Publication: Studies of electron diffusion in photo-excited Ni using time-resolved X-ray diffraction
Professor Jorgen Larsson Group (X-Probe Project: Ultrafast X-ray diffraction & WAXS infrastructure) publicated in October 2016
October 2016
XXI School of Pure and Applied Biophysics
Time Resolved Methods in Biophysics
January 9 – 13, 2017, Venice, Italy
Joint X-Probe experiment at SLAC-LCLS Stanford California
Members of four X-Probe groups had joint experimental sessions on collaborative projects at the US XFEL SLAC/LCLS Stanford California.
September 2016
Partecipation to the Symposium: Structural Biology in the Third Millennium
The Symposium was attended by a students of the last class of the Applied Sciences Program of the Montessori high school in Rome.
August 2016
Structural Biology in the Third Millennium. Rome September 19, 2016
A Symposium in the occasion of the awarding
of the Honoris Causa Doctorate in Biochemistry
to Wayne Hendrickson
September 19, 2016
Aula degli Organi Collegiali Rettorato Sapienza, Università di Roma
June 2016
X-Probe Training Events and Meetings in Rome Photo-Recap
Pictures taken at the X-Probe training events in Rome on May - June 2016 showing ESRs and the PIs also during leisure moments.