January 2016
Here are the last three ESR
The last three ESR arrived to their new labs. We wish them a wonderful experience.
November 2015
Dec 16-18 2015
Network Meeting, Workshop and Tutorials @ ESRF
Dec 16 - 2015 Network Meeting
Dec 17 - 2015 Workshop
Dec 18 - 2015 Tutorials on ID-09
October 2015
Robert Bosman from Leeds to Gothenburg
Robert Bosman from the Lab at the University of Leeds to Gothenburg, where he will purify membrane protein and grow membrane protein microcrystals.
Xiaocui Wang welcome on board
ESR Xiaocui Wang was chosen by Professor Jörgen Larsson. She comes from China, where she studied in the Department of Physics at Tsinghua University.
ESR Lodovico Balducci joins CNRS group
At CNRS he will study different photoactive (bio)molecules following photoexcitation.
Well done Lodovico!
September 2015
SILS-MoLiRom Prize to Dr. Alberto Mittone
Dr. Alberto Mittone has been awarded the SILS-MoLiRom Prize to a young researcher for biomedical applications of synchrotron light.