WAXSGUI Software Suite
Develop a suite of software for the analysis of time-resolved WAXS data incorporating molecular dynamics simulations.
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Develop a suite of software for the analysis of time-resolved WAXS data incorporating molecular dynamics simulations.
CrystFEL is a suite of programs for processing Bragg diffraction data acquired with a free electron laser in a "serial" manner.
Rome, January 30, 2017
Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Physics
Aula Amaldi (1st floor building Marconi), Piazza Aldo Moro 5
Rome 20th January 2017
CNR - Aula Marconi
P.le Aldo Moro, 7 Roma
Published in January 2017 by Dr Margareta Ek Group (Structural, dynamical and inhibitor studies of membrane proteins)
Published in November 2016 by Dr Alessandra Bonamore Group (Dynamical studies of protein carriers)
This training event will provide hands-on session for data collection and analysis as well as theoretical background to the ESR of the X-Probe ITN.
Published in October 2016 by Dr Alessandra Bonamore Group MoLiRom (Dynamical studies of protein carriers)
Professor Jorgen Larsson Group (X-Probe Project: Ultrafast X-ray diffraction & WAXS infrastructure) publicated in October 2016
Time Resolved Methods in Biophysics
January 9 – 13, 2017, Venice, Italy