Joint X-Probe experiment at SLAC-LCLS Stanford California
Members of four X-Probe groups had joint experimental sessions on collaborative projects at the US XFEL SLAC/LCLS Stanford California.
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Members of four X-Probe groups had joint experimental sessions on collaborative projects at the US XFEL SLAC/LCLS Stanford California.
The Symposium was attended by a students of the last class of the Applied Sciences Program of the Montessori high school in Rome.
A Symposium in the occasion of the awarding
of the Honoris Causa Doctorate in Biochemistry
to Wayne Hendrickson
September 19, 2016
Aula degli Organi Collegiali Rettorato Sapienza, Università di Roma
Pictures taken at the X-Probe training events in Rome on May - June 2016 showing ESRs and the PIs also during leisure moments.
Sapienza Università di Roma
Aula Magna Unitelma
Viale Regina Elena, 295
00161 Rome, Italy
Aula Magna Unitelma
Viale Regina Margherita, 295
00161 Rome, Italy
Aula Carelli
Dip. Chimica e Tecnologia del Farmaco
2nd Floor
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 Rome, Italy
A voting was held and the representatives Matilde Trabuco, Daniela Baitan and Victoria Kabanova were elected by unanimity.
The ESRs had also their first Meeting and elected their representatives: Matilde Trabuco, Daniela Baitan and Victorie Kabanova.